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"...a guy and a girl meet at a party and skip out early, and decide to spend an epic first date night together..."

Hear from filmmaker, Jessiline Berry, first hand. What inspires her as a director, and specifically, what inspired her to write, "A Night to Remember." Jessiline also discusses the issue of date rape, and how a frank and uncomfortable conversation about YES is YES consent needs to be had.


Check back for more clips as the film completes casting, and nears production!!!

cLose uP...

the iSsuE - YES is YES coNsent

"I hAve To..."

sTyle & toNe

JessiLiNe's sTory - "a niCe gUy"

a fiLm whEre adVocAcy meEts aRt

© 2016 FemmeMaker Productions

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